International 服务学习: Society, Inequality & 社会排斥

业务,设计 & 创新项目

日期: 1/3/25 - 4/26/25

业务,设计 & 创新

International 服务学习: Society, Inequality & 社会排斥

International 服务学习: Society, Inequality & 社会排斥 Course Overview


CEA CAPA Partner Institution: CEA CAPA 巴塞罗那 Center
地点: 西班牙巴塞罗那
主要科目范围: 服务学习
其他学科领域: Anthropology, Sociology, Urban Studies
指令: 英语
课程代码: SVL396BCN
记录来源: 纽黑文大学
课程详细信息: 300级
Recommended Semester Credits: 3
联系时间: 45
先决条件: Two years of university study
需要供应: You will be required to pay transport costs to your placement site.


This unique international service learning course focuses on the pressing social issues confronting our ever more globalized cities: social inequality and exclusion within the context of the accelerated demographic transformation of today's urban space. Contributing to the ongoing search for effective responses to such endemic problems, you will do volunteer work at a community-based organization while simultaneously pursuing theoretical coursework and independent sociological research related to your service learning placement.

As the world becomes increasingly globalized, 企业, non-governmental organizations and governments need people with the ability to adapt and excel when faced with the challenges associated with working in foreign countries, such as the variety of working conditions, work practices and cultural norms. Because service learning requires intensive intercultural engagement on a regular basis while exposing you to populations you might otherwise not encounter as a visiting student, this course provides a unique opportunity for you to gain the socio-cultural and research skills employers look for. 此外, participating in service learning abroad illustrates your ability to understand and contextualize academic theories and use and adapt research skills to field work.

Your service learning placement will be situated within one of the following areas to be agreed upon with the instructor: immigration; homelessness; education; youth work; sustainable urban development; the environment; or urban cultural expression. Placements might include: helping disadvantaged children at a homework club; working at an educational project at an immigrant center; working with an organization for the homeless; working with an urban-garden or redevelopment project; contributing to urban cultural expression and preservation; or assisting in centers working with the elderly or disabled. Your 2½ hour per week placement involves working and interacting personally with local community volunteers, giving you firsthand insight into the local neighborhood, 其组织, its member船 and the challenges facing them all.

Within a traditional course setting and in support of your service learning placement across the semester, you will undergo initial in-depth orientation and intercultural training that will help prepare you for what can be an emotionally challenging, 改变生活, and personally rewarding experience. You will also be introduced to group work skills and activities beneficial to your placement and engage in theoretical study and focused reflection in subjects related to sociology and cultural studies, as well as readings related to your specific service learning area and research project.

在整个课程中, you will keep an in-depth research and reflective field journal that will be periodically evaluated by the course instructor. To aid in the analysis of your specific placement and corresponding socio-economic setting, you will be introduced to participant-observation, 做笔记, and interviewing skills in line with best research practices. You will conduct a final research project on the work of your placement organization and situate its efforts in broader sociological, environmental and political contexts.

This guided placement and research will benefit you whatever your academic discipline and will provide you with the research skills and experience that can benefit senior year research, capstone项目, 职业规划.

You will be required to pay transport costs to your placement site.

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